Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bloom Quilt

Over the holidays, Ally and I started working on a quilt off pattern by the fabulous Amy Butler. She's known for crazy bright colors and fun prints. It is finally done! If you're wondering what a bloom quilt is- it's just what it sounds like. A quilt with flowers blooming all over it. Very fun.

Here's the inspiration: (you can download this pattern from Amy Butler's website which I linked to above.)

And here's ours!

On the backside we decided to use this fun fabric from Tula Pink.

We love how it turned it. It's very quirky and young! We even saw something similar to it at Anthropologie. So you know it's cool.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Busy enough...

T minus 8 days.  Busy has become my middle name.  The shop is sooooo cute and the fabrics are beautiful- I'm not wanting to let any of it out of my hands... I can imagine a customer standing there with her fabric selections and her credit card and me saying, "I can't actually let you buy these because I will miss seeing them everyday.  Please shop elsewhere."  Oh, I'm just kidding!  I'll be happy to share - we can get more.

Grand Opening Hours:
Thursday-Friday-Saturday 10-6

Regular Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10-6
Thursday 10-8
Saturday 10-4
Closed Sunday