Monday, September 27, 2010

Step by step - my Monday TO DO list.

1. Walk the dogs (It's nice weather and the dogs are ready to go.  I'm just giving Claritan a minute to soak in because I'm sooooooo itchy.  Then we go!)
2.  Finish the Business Plan (It's close.  Just need to print out the Financial data pages, and clean up the look of the other pages.  Then paste the photos in, and put it all in a binder.  Maybe take it to FedEx office and get a more professional look.  I need this to negotiate a better lease.)
3.  Visiting Teaching lunch (fun!)

Well, now...that sounds like a pleasant day.

1 comment:

  1. Snaps! I love the blog! It will be so cool to look back on once Snappy Quilts is up and rolling!
